I would love if you would pledge not by calling an 800 # but by sending me power boost or Virtual Gifts prior to the Bath-A-Thon tonight with your suggestions or just to get me hyped up for the event.
I look forward to seeing you there. I will post on my schedule the exact time it is starting it will probably be close to 4pm PST . So show so love & some interest send me a little (or large if you choose) power boost or virtual gift.
Looking forward to the fun....If you want more information read my Blog or just wait & see.
~1 Cali V Quote
Go see Cali in the tub
Mmm thank you for stopping in. I had a lot of fun, I sent out an email bout the next fun bath time be sure to open your emails or message me here & I will send you the email if you are not signed up to receive email messages (not the message I send that you get on the site) ~1 Cali
If you have not stopped by to see Ms. Willow you should do that as well. You will enjoy it. ESP ~1 Cali Quote
Also you can follow me on Twitter CaliV_F4F so add me & get all the updates. Quote